Rosey: But why?
Cass: Does this mean I can wear my camouflage pants?
Me:(To Rosey) Because it's St. Patrick's Day! (To Cass) Nice try.
(two puzzled looks)
Me: St Patrick was a person a long time ago that drove the rats out of Ireland.(Crap.) No, wait...he drove the snakes out of Ireland! And so we're supposed to wear green today.
Cass: Is Ireland near here?
Me: No.
Rosey: (horrified) He put snakes in his car?
Me: Yes. No. It's an expression.
Cass: So people were happy to not have snakes? It was a big deal?
Me: (while wishing I'd never opened my mouth in the first place) It was a long time ago. I'm pretty sure Ireland has snakes now.
Rosey: So his car broke down.
Cass: It must've.
Me: Um.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all. Even y'all who have no idea why you're wearing green.
I am now picturing a medieval saint, in robes, throwing armloads of snakes into the trunk of a late seventies Caddy. If this is the weirdest thing I picture today, then it'll be a good day.
I totally get this.
I have two teenagers who this morning walked out of the house without green on.
"You're gonna get pinched!" I screamed at 'em as they're walking out the door.
"You're Irish! You gotta put something green on!"
They just kept walking. I hope they get pinched a shit ton today for not listening to me.
As for me, I am sitting here sporting my Dublin Ireland green track jacket and I'm heading off to lunch with Jamie where green beer shall be had.
heheheh. We drew pictures of stomping snakes as my daughter told me about St. Patrick's day and when I asked her where all the snakes went when they were driven from Ireland, you wanna know where they went? Canada. Ya, aren't you glad you came?
Frankly, it sounds like a scene from "The Blues Brothers."
I'm wearing green because my children insisted.
Well, they're not quite up to the stage where they say 'Dude!' a lot, but I'm sure it's not far off....
I love it!
Meanwhile, my mostly Irish kids (more so than their parents, lol) are wearing their green. Younger son is often called a Leprechaun by his best friend's mom.
I feel like a bad Irish person-we're not having corned beef today because I forgot to get one.
Ha! I'm picturing the snakes actually in the passenger seats, with seatbelts on and wearing shades! (And I don't think Ireland has snakes to this day. I think.)
nope, no snakes in Ireland (or NZ for that matter)
cute story!
I didn't wear green - except for my eyes... but then, I'm only Irish by injection. Hee.
ROFL!!!!!!!this gave a good laugh........which I needed!!!LOL
LOL (here from AM btw) I wanted to put on a movie about St. Patrick today... hopefully the kids version if possible. But not one were on and we haven't started our saints (dvd) collection yet. Oh well, my daughter is still young enough she wouldn't remember it yet anyway lol.
You might want to check your car for snakes. Rosey might get the idea to drive them somewhere...
I didn't know about the pinching thing until this year. Bless the blogosphere and facebook for my new knowledge.
Ha! Yes,m he did reportedly drive the snakes out of ireland, but also was famous for his teachings, including using the shamrock (3-leaved) as a way to explain how the holy trinity are one yet separate, I believe. And the wearing o' the green - well, they do call Ireland the Emerald isle, and so it is.
LOL. I really do have no idea why we wear green... Time for google or wikipedia...
Kittenpie - That's more along the lines of what I intend to teach my kids about. Yeah, the snake legend is interesting... but still.
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