Saturday, 6 May 2006

eek! i'm melting

I was writing a post about my Thursday, which was busy and hectic and the Day Of A Thousand Car Trips, but then my allergies kicked in and I lost track of the time-space continuum. And now it's Saturday, and how boring would it be to hear about Thursday's going-ons?

So! One more up to the Big Post Hole Up In The Sky.

Today? Today is green and wet and whiny. The kidlets are upset about being cooped up in the house, I'm upset that the allergy medication doesn't seem to be giving me the high it did at three o'clock this morning, and Bear is upset that there is total chaos around him. We're a happy crew!

I may have to go to the grocery store to escape them. How pitiful is that?

Maybe if I brought home something ummy to cook they wouldn't notice me going to bed at three-thirty in the afternoon?


Joke said...

Bring something yummy and put it in to cook slowly, so the household is teased with a bewitching aroma while you slumber away.

Worst case scenario? You are awakened to eat something delish.


MsCellania said...

Well, I got home too late to do the slow-cook thing. But, I can feel that there's guacamole in our future, which 3 out of 4 of us will snarf. The other, who is at my knees and whining, will have a turkey dog.

Bummer about your allergy meds kicking into high gear at 3 am and it's just not a great time to vacuum! Which allergy meds so I can abuse them in other way?

Jess said...

J - I bit the bullet and went to the grocery store - after wrangling the chilluns Bear cooked whilst I happily 'cleaned' out the medicine cabinet. (I'm a horrible med taker - all or nothing) so whee! I took a shower and I hear the sheets calling me!
But tomorrow - what a spendiforous idee!

Vickee - Rosey-bum was up at the same time (natch) so I theeenk it was two doses of Sudafed, followed with a chaser of Buckley's Cough Syrup, with probably about a tablespoon of (freaking dreadful) (toe-curling) Children's Tylenol, banana berry flavor. Be-yuck!

MsCellania said...

YOU took all that?! At once or over the period of a few hours? *going back to read your post* Oh, that's not so much! Sudafed gives me the toothpick-in-the-eyes effect. No sleeping, no siree.

My parents are going all WitchDoctor on me; they went on a river cruise down the Rhone or Danube or Rhine (or maybe all 3?) and somebody got ahold of them on the cruise (and my naive sister) and now the whole lot of them are taking snake oil to cure this and that. My sister even has her OLD Bassett Hound on some rheumatism remedy and swears it's working. I say he hates the crap so much, he jumps up to avoid her, sosure, he's got some giddyup and go.

I actually have a point with this. My parents have ordered some magic potion from London that is "Guaranteed to rid you of allergies and asthma if you take it for 30 days straight". If my parents survive this latest cure, I will tell you what it is. I understand you put it in locally-grown honey. I have convinced them to try it on my sister's old dog first. He also has allergies, and the worst Tuna Farts this side of the Mississippi. If he dies it will be sad, but MAN that old dog is one nasty-smelling hound.

Tessa said...

Ack! Afrin and Claritin cocktail! Stat!

My float said...

Escaping to the store sounds like a wonderful idea. Particularly if the store is far, far away!

Better still, pretend you're going to the store then creep back into the house and go to bed!

Jess said...

Vickee - You KNOW I'll be singing that song under my breath all day now, right? OoohEeeeOoohAhhhAhh-Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang....
Let me know how the farty hound does!

Tessa - T - Does Claritin work? Really?

My float - Wonderful idea, except with this plugged nose, I'll bet I'm snoring like a clydesdale...

Major Bedhead said...

I've heard that claim before, about local honey and allergies. It was from my hippy dippy, earthy crunchy sister, but it does kind of make sense. Kind of.

Hope the allergies let up soon. Did you try snorting saline spray? It's gross, but it helps.

MsCellania said...

BWAA HA HA! OOH EEE OHH AH AH! Didn't think of that one, but it's going to be my theme song for them.

And nasal douching? Yep, the folks they do that too. These are people with obviously too much time on their hands. It takes them half the day to dole out their vities and supplements...

I do swear by Ocean misted into the nose. The honey thing does make sense, but I don't remember to do it. My allergies are MUCH better since we moved off acreage and into the concrete jungle. The grass she is my enemy. I always knew in my bones I belong in a high-rise on Manhattan! I'll have to settle for a cookie-cutter in sluburbia on the high sierra for now.

I have heard that the steroid-based nasal sprays do work for allergies, but they have bad side effects. Only use when you are desperate or have an opera to perform. Like SOME people we know...

Tessa said...

I just tried my first Claritin fast tab this weekend and NO - it does not work. No way. At all.


Joke said...

You could also say that you're taking a cultural sensitivity class and have to take a siesta break, so as to feel empathy for 17th century Spanish peasants.


Whole lot of nothing going on

Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...