Kyle came, and went, and except for a few branches down off the old oak tree and the tarp blowing off the woodpile, we were fine. The rain and the wind bothered Rosey, who refused to sleep in her own bed and cuddled in close. Soon there were four in the bed, and when the power went out around eleven, everyone gasped and huddled together.
Today the wind blew clean and chill and fall-ish - like the storm swept all traces of summer away and now we're ready for sweaters and hot drinks, romping in fallen leaves and the beginnings of can it really be? Halloween.
C (so far) wants to be Superman. As long as it isn't some incredibly time-consuming thing that I end up making, whatever's okay. (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, no one mention Transformers.)
Rosey hasn't made up her mind - it's either a Pony (as in My Little) or Barbie. Both ideas make my right eyelid twitch and make me think I'm going to get an old white sheet and a pair of scissors and R will be going as a ghost.
Or maybe we'll give her a satchel and send her off as the Ghost of The Buyout?
Monday, 29 September 2008
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Whole lot of nothing going on
Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...
A few years ago I went on this great graveyard tour with my sister-in-law during the local festival. We were lead through the graveyard of t...
Somewhere in the box marked FRAGILE!!!!! and NEVER THROW OUT!!! and KEEP ON SECOND FLOOR!!! in one of the photo albums that my mother lovi...
I am distressed. What are kids supposed to be for Hallowe'en? Everything's so disposable these days. I suggested a cat to my daughter, a sheep. WHY? she snapped with indignity!
If not a cat or a sheep, then what little one?
(We did Barbie one year. My.boring.last.minute.idea. Plus we already had loads of pink that year.)
I'm glad you have your power back. I was braced for a week without. Still PTS ing from Juan, I guess.
I'm glad you are okay and that the hurricane wasn't any worse than it was.
So glad that KYLE came and went without doing much damage to you folks. Big relief!
Glad that Kyle was gentle on you.
I've got one kid all set to reuse his costume. Everyone says he looks like Harry Potter, anyway. Not sure about the other one.
Somewhere in the garage is a Ronald Reagan mask. That's the scariest costume I own.
I'm so glad you are all doing fine!
Oh goodness, it's time to get costumes ready already?! ACK! I'm not ready! I guess I'll have to sit the kids down and ask them what they want to be this year. Parenting Magazine had a few cute 'no-sew' ideas if you're interested! I've used their ideas before with great success.
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