Somewhere in small-town Maritime Canada there's a family of bright-eyed bushy-tailed chirping morning people who are wondering why their children are slugs.
Is it the dawn light waking them? The click of the furnace coming on? The dog turning over? Whatever it is, B and I are becoming accustomed to having company in bed with us, arriving sometime between 3 and 6 am.
Their styles are different. Rosey likes to slip in, clutching her blankie, and scootch herself under B's arm. If B wakes up, she'll flash him a smile (oh, he's putty in her paws, that one) and coo 'Go back to sleep, Daddy. I snuggle with you for awhile.'
Cass will leap onto the bed and announce (since by then he has an audience) that he had a bad dream (or he heard a noise. Or he missed us. Or isn't it time to get up yet? Or he thought Rosey was in here. What are we doing today, Mommy?) and lie spread-eagled over both our legs, hog all the covers, and talk until we all get up.
I'm trying hard to enjoy the moment (they'll be big soon, and I'll miss this, right??) but my dependence on coffee is becoming a real problem and.....
I am a grouch in the mornings. I confess.
There are days I am happy to see the sun. Days I leap out of bed and twinkle a happy tune.
Those days, alas, are are when I wake up by myself.
I'm not at my best when confronted first thing by a four-point question about superheroes and how they could possibly make a giant tunnel to the sea so Cass could float a boat to Halifax, and bring back the Discovery Centre so he could go there everyday and....
by this point I'm up.
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Whole lot of nothing going on
Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...
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They should really submit their questions in writing. I am a morning person - but when I'm ready, OK!
It's such a gift though, isn't it, if only we could bottle these moments.
I love how kids think about superheroes. Esp. your kids.
I am a morning person, but if I had other people to care for I might not be...
"Those were the days my friend,
We thought they'd never end...." and then they were gone ! Pfft! Just like that....
You know, I do see your "I might miss this in a few years time" scenario, but on the other hand you might just be sighing in relief! Speaking as a complete grouchy, grumpy, shrieking-harridan-type morning person, I think the system whereby my other half deals with the children in the early hours has a lot going for it.
Sleeping in is a rare treat when you have little one.
"Little ones" I mean.
I have a suggestion - get one of those automatic timed coffee makers and put it beside your bed. Just a little one, a four-cup one. Then, when the first one makes his/her appearance, hit the button and hey, presto, coffee.
I'm all about the coffee first thing in the morning. Hell, Boo even knows my Dunkin Donuts order - "Exa lahge banilla, black, mama. Need coffee, mama need coffee."
Yes. Yes I do, baby girl.
I was laughing at your post, and then I laughed some more at Julia's comment.
Bethy's developed a habit recently of waking up singing loudly at 5am. Every day. Yes, even weekends.
Mommy's tired.
At this point in my life, I'm finding it *really* hard to believe that I'll miss the early morning wake-up calls. Really, really hard. But talk to me again in 20 years and I may sing a different tune...
I'm the lucky one. No, make that I would be the lucky one, because I'm the one who has to go around getting everyone up in the morning. Except I have to get 3 of them up at 6:30 am for school on weekdays.
If I didn't have to do this, my kids would get up around 8 am, maybe later... they would pop their heads quietly around the door to see if we were awake, and if not, go watch some TV in the livingroom. Even the baby will sleep in. As it is, he often sleeps at least until 7:30, I often wake him up too, when it is time to drive daddy to work. But I go to bed at 11 pm or later, so I'm in bed late and up early and I sometimes really need coffee in the day.
And I don't get a break on the weekends anymore either because there's soccer.
submit their questions in writing and Julia's remark on Mama needs coffee had me laughing.
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