"Holy crap! Blackbird gave me an award!"
I greeted B at the door with that other night. He doesn't understand about the blog world, how I've met so many people that make me laugh and think and nod and cry and show me things I've never thought about. I was chattering about someone the other day and he said, puzzled, "Now, is this somebody you can borrow a cup of sugar from, or a maybe-you'll-meet-her-if-she-ever-gets-to-Canada virtual person?" I think B classifies y'all as my 'imaginary weirdo internet friends,' (stole that one from Julia) while I think of you as friends I just haven't actually had coffee with yet.
It wasn't until after supper that I realized that Calvin had given me that award as well.
I am honored and grateful and so glad I make you smile. I have read you both for a long time, and my morning wouldn't be complete without checking in on the two of you with my coffee. Thank you so much!
Now, to pass the goodness on!
The rules say: "give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."
I love Apathy Lounge. I get a thrill every time I see she's posted. Ms. Beaverhausen will either have written something socially relevant or a funny post about her life and family. She has a great writing style - check her out, you won't be disappointed!
Jenny at The Bloggess cracks me up. Every day. If she's not writing about her half-paralyzed shaved cat Bubba (I'm not kidding) she's recounting bizarre conversations she's had with her husband Victor, showing crazy pictures of her toddler at maximum cuteness overload or scheduling another big margarita party for bloggers in Texas.
If I Were Queen Of The World is one of my newest reads, and I've been amazed with not only her political views (nuculur. Everybody drink!) but her wit and style too.
Kitty Cafe is one of those sites where you sigh and stare and get inspired to create.
Lemon Life is a funny, sexy, fashionable place, populated with neat people. Oh, and you've got to see her dog! Sarah distills a busy life into sips of sweetness.
Marymuses is good people. She makes me smile. Look for the Lucy Snowe post.
Pea Soup. Ever look at someone's life and think you want it, even for just a little while? Suse cultivates beauty all around her and makes amazing objects, with help from her fabulous boys.
Posie Gets Cozy is an absorbing read into the world where handcrafted is king. Alicia will show you all her new projects, and (even for the decidedly not-crafty among us) make you want to try....
Stomper Girl tells a good tale. She's a tap-dancer by trade and has good stories of living far away. Her love and pride in her boys shines through every post.
Sweet| Salty is an amazing, heartwrenching, stupendous blog. Kate tells the story of how she and her husband and her two boys are learning to live with the shadow of tragedy behind them - her words sweep me away, give me lumps in my throat and make me see the light in different ways.
There are so many more. I find new ones every day. Please visit these fine folks and see why I think they deserve this award. They do make my day!
I'm honoured and flattered dear!
Thank you.
Some excellent blogs here. Although I noticed that Lemonlife's blogger's name is Sarah O., not Jenn.
thank you, thank you, thank you.
sometimes it makes me feel a little silly, but i have to admit that it makes me REALLY happy--like, happy in the innermost soul places--when i hear that someone enjoys coming to my blog.
thank you, thank you, and thank you again.
Hee! I'm honored to be in the same bunch as so many of my bloggy heroes.
And now I'm off to check out the ones you listed that I haven't "met" yet.
You are the best.
UGH! (buries head)
What a great back-handed compliment.
'I love you so much, I can't remember your name!'
I'm sorry, Sarah!
You are so sweet! I thank you for this!
I honoured to be in such good company.
Thank you!
Wow! Thanks. I'm beyond flattered and honored. You're a tip top blogger. I'm not worthy
Congrats! I love your blog too. My significant other refers to the blog friends as non-IRL (in real life). Like you, I just tell him they are my friends that I have yet to eat dinner with!
Well, there go my plans for the evening. I have some surfin' to do!
Well hey! Not only did you just make my day for this award, but you make my day anyway. I love your blog. Thank you so much.
And I like your new header too!
There goes every spare minute of my week as I work my way through your list - thanks for the nudge in the right direction.
Aww! Thanks so very much, I'm honoured. And for tuning me into some new ones, too! I love that.
Congratulations! YDI
I want to but I don't want to. I'll probably love them since you've given them the thumbs up. But then I'd have more blogs I felt compelled to read every week, and as things are I don't get around as much as I want to in blogland......dilemmas, dilemmas!
This is an award well deserved. Congrats.
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