Cass has decided he can take his own baths now. He's mastered the hard-to-do-bit, the sloshing of water over his head after shampooing, and feels confident in soaping up and rinsing off without any help. Not that I was helping that much, you understand, but now I'm not invited in to read while he splashes away.
This relieves me from the nightly ritual of handing him a washcloth so he can cover his parts (Mooo-oooom!) and finding another so he can wipe his eyes free of bathwater.
And now that I'm not there, he sings.
A mixture of short songs he learns at school (Here comes the train for you...Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, eve-rrry day the train will go) and songs from his MP3 player (Accidentally in loooove, I'm accidentally in loooooo-vvvvee..(pause)..Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet...Make a little birdhouse in your soul)* trickle from the bathroom and wend their way downstairs, where his father and I sit, grinning like fools at each other.
Six is sometimes a know-it-all, and definitely testing boundaries, but six is very, very nice.
And musical.
*His musical taste varies hugely from Shrek (that retching sound? Not attractive, Alethea!) soundtracks to Death Cab For Cutie to dance stuff to Newfoundland jigs. Pigeonholing this kid is going to be tough.
And I thought I was the only one still singing that They Might Be Giants song!
Hi Vanessa!
Nope, tonight was both Istanbul(Not Constantinople) AND Birdhouse In Your Soul - songs that earworm me every time!
Oh, I just want to eat him up!! He's doing all the cutest stuff right now! Treasure him!
It's great to be six and know you are loved and that the world is out there and that you can SING!
Jess-we have another "Where I'm From." I think you're going to like it. It's my sister's--in my links---Riseoutofme.
Oh everytime to BoyChild tells me he can do something and I don't have to in the bath, it makes me a little sad. Washing his hair is about all he lets me do anymore.
He's a real Renaissance man!
What a lovely boy he is!!
That is so sweet! It's such a happy post :) Clever child.
Cutie! I wish my girls could wash their own hair (they just don't get it clean enough-- long hair, pfft), or my boy was old enough to do it.
Newfoundland jigs are popular here too - both our boys are big fans of Great Big Sea (Mari Mac especially cos they can race each other!) and will occasionally perform songs from that repertoire. Oh, and Reel and Roll by Rawlins Cross. I dunno either.......
Don't you love listening to kids when they are busy?
anyhoo...I've given you an award - click back to my place to read about it.
I'm almost (but not quite) ashamed to admit that I immediately recognized the song from Shrek. I think it's great that he likes Death Cab for Cutie. My girls are fans too.
At least he has short hair; makes it easier to rinse. One of my girls is growing her hair for Locks of Love and it's really hard to rinse in the shower, so she usually needs help.
Both of my kids sing REALLY LOUDLY in the shower, and I absolutely love that. They are so un-self-conscious about it, too.
Don't tell anyone, but the other night my boy child -- who will be 12 in April -- was singing the Higglytown Heroes song in the shower. Cracked. Me. UP!
How about the Cottars?
I want to say that Cass is super cute but I can hear my husband telling me that cute is not for boys or men. Well, then, he is mighty handsome!
The Best Eavesdropping Ever that I ever did was to stand outside the bathroom and listen to my girls in the tub together singing 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road'. I think I sprained a rib trying to laugh quietly. They were good too.
It's kind of sad when they want to do stuff by themselves, though. The singing is wonderful and it's obvious that you've exposed him to lots of different music. That's a good thing.
Oh, he is so cute. Musical AND modest - he'll stand out in the music world!
PS. I'm sure I'm not the only one retching to Shrek! And thank goodness this year's cake wasn't Shrek-inspired.
Don't rag too hard on Shrek - my sister was a producer on II and the 3rd.
Cass is so handsome! And getting so big!
And I LOVE his taste in music! You can almost hear the ear worms going through his head.
Bliss is hearing your child sing. It more than makes up for his growing autonomy, eh?
And what a handsome six he is...
Oh, you must teach him Mari Mac. And Lukey's Boat. Both are fast and fun tongue twister songs. If you really want to be cruel..uh, I mean, expand his repertoire, teach him Modern Major General.
I love hearing singing. Mine have not become uncomfortable in front of me yet, thank heavens, plenty of nude singing in my presence still!
Now, have you caught any of this on video? He would be so thankful when you show it off to all his friends! lol
he's adorable, but you already know that. lol
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