I am DONE.
Stick a fork in me, NEVAH going back to the mall again this year, good-bye supermarket, done.
(ah crap, the cookies. But that's one batch!)
So -technically- DONE.
Whee! Now to put my feet up and resist the urge to straighten the christmas tree....
Almost done here; still have to wrap L's godmother's gifts and put them in the mail, but everything else is complete. I hope.
Same here . . . still need to wrap and make a batch of pizelles.
So far so good . . .
Well done. I'm not quite finished, but I will be by tomorrow. Fortunately. Happy Christmas from Scotland.
Oh, I'm so glad to see that someone else obsesses over the straightness of the tree!
Merry Christmas, dgb!
Happy Holidays!May you bask in the in the cheer of the season, and a long list well done.
Happy and merry...
Merry Christmas! If I never bake another cookie again, I'll die happy!
Yay you! Still have housecleaning to do, and wrapping, and packing for leaving on Boxing Day to visit family, but other than that, done!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
A few days ago, I had to wrap the very last present of all -- and couldn't. I was that burned out. But! I'm excited about tomorrow and am feeling a bit more rested and ready.
Merry Christmas!!!
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