Friday, 25 November 2005


Is it cold where you are? It's getting colder here - the night-times are frosty, and the mornings glitter. We haven't had any snow yet, (Ha! You thought I lived where the Eskimos are, didn't you! So many people think Nova Scotia is right off the tundra.) thank goodness, but it's coming. It'll be good to have for Christmas.

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Bear scored beeg brownie points. I was moping around, missing my family and thought I was doing a pretty good job of hiding it, but he noticed.

So Thursday I came home to... an entire Thanksgiving feast!

He had roasted the turkey, made his special family recipe stuffing, cooked carrots and sweet potatoes and squash. There was cranberry sauce. He even made (non-lumpy, even!) gravy.
So I stuffed myself achingly full,(after I pounced on him and kissed him breathless, because how else do you thank someone who makes a surprise like that??) and then he smiled with a hint of mischief and said "Oh, and there's dessert, too." which of course, made my ears prick up.

No, not pie (sorry Tessa!) but a delicious, piping hot Apple Brown Betty.
Oh. My. God.

I'd love to be able to say (and I'm sure he was hoping) that I then repaid him with some extra long holiday quality time, but really - I need to work off all the food first. You just can't stuff a girl and expect gymnastics an hour later.


Major Bedhead said...

Can Jame come and teach The Boy how to cook? His idea of the Thanksgiving feast would probably feature Kraft dinner and some tater tots. Is it just my Boy or do all Canadians have a scary fondness for Kraft dinner?

Lily'sMama said...

My husband is a fantastic cook as well. In fact, he does just about all of the cooking! I am very lucky. Well, we have this deal that he cooks and I clean up which works well for me because I like to clean my way. And, he is Canadian but HATES Kraft dinner. I, on the other hand, do like it!

April said...

Very cool. I am quite jealous.

Tessa said...

He he he!

Whole lot of nothing going on

Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...