And I wept and gnashed my teeth and shook my fists at an unsympathetic sky and actually made blueprints and then figured out not only would the damned costume weigh sixty pounds, he would be unable to see very well and couldn't sit in the car to boot.
So I sniveled (on the internet! For shame!) and then, while I was sobbing face-down over the remnants of ripped boxes and tangled string, poster paint spotting the floor, my clothes, my hair... there was a gentle tap on my shoulder (angels sang) and my sister-in-law said
"Hey, Jess? I found one on the internet."
And lo! The earth did smile again. (Or at least the mom.)
So C was thrilled by his costume. So thrilled, actually, that he was afraid to wear it to his big Hallow'een party. What if my mask breaks? What if I spill something on it? How can I play games with a full-face mask on??
Enter costume number 2. The Werewolf. This was a huge hit and was born of desperation and a lucky glance into a supermarket bin.
Then today he had his Halloween party at school and went as a pirate. (Costume number 3.) His school has a no-costumes-on-holidays policy, and so one thing is picked each year and all the students wear funny socks, or hats, or this year? Pirates. While they couldn't wear swords or be too elaborate, they all wore pirate headgear. I didn't get a picture of Cass in his gear, so you'll just have to imagine...tall, skinny kid, giant black hat, skull-and-crossbones neckerchief.
Then...tonight. Tonight was THE night. Tonight was Transformers night.
He made a good car-turned-to-a-robot.
And we went trick-or-treating and they* got bags and bags of swag and were feted up and down and ran their asses off, running from door to door and house to house while their father and I tried vainly to keep up.
And now they've passed out.
Happy Hallow'een to all.
*Yes, for the purpose of this post I HAVE forgotten that I have TWO kids. See, she only had ONE costume, a fact that someday when the teen years hit I'm sure I'll pay for.....
But see how cute!