Saturday 18 July 2009

just pooling ourselves

Even a sub-level pool with two inches of water in it can be tons of fun. And you can laugh at your parents while they worriedly discuss yanking up the pool again.

Yes, again. This time it won't take so long.

But a pool - especially one that's so much fun already - should be flat. So you can swim.


Anonymous said...

every great moment takes time

Anonymous said...

Great shots... and great title!!

Sorry you have to try again for the leveling.

Jen on the Edge said...

Just think about how great it will be when it's finally level.

Pam said...

(Catching up.) You missed seeing Loth! Alas!

Mike said...

Does it really have to be level? Water finds it's own level anyways.

Great pictures....

Chantal said...

Your so punny! At least the kids are enjoying it. I hope this time things are sorted out quicker. My goodness that is a lot of work. Take Care.

apathy lounge said...

Wait...there's a hill in that pool?

Loth said...

Okay, when we come back next year, can we swim in your pool? My son has a shirt that matches your son's swimming trunks EXACTLY! They could clash and stuff. (And I could wear factor 75 sunblock and sit in a sack)

mamatulip said...

Great shots, despite the level troubles!

Stomper Girl said...

My kids have fun in a mini-pool the size of a mini-tramp! YOur kids must be so excited about that one!

Woman in a Window said...

Just how do you keep your big lab from busting it up? Ours would be gone in a flash.

It does look like fun. YOu slip around?

Caro said...

They look like they are having fun to me!

Canucklehead said...

You seem like the kind of family that views the pool as 1/10th full.


Whole lot of nothing going on

Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...