Tuesday 4 November 2008

i am sad

The stove? She is no more.

Oh, she's fixable (we think) but not for less than more money than god the cost of a new one, and it would entail shipping parts to a tiny town in Michigan and hoping they could re-build it - and waiting at least a month to get everything done.

Tomorrow, a new cooker arrives in the kitchen. So! It will be the beginning of a new era.

Y'know what would make me happy? Let's start the new cooking era with an era that's really cooking.

Tomorrow begins a new day. And somehow, I think I'm going to be up watching the election news a long time tonight....

(yes we can)


barbra said...

I'm sorry about the stove! I would be sad, too.

Let's hope the U.S. voters can cheer you up! I hope to be celebrating!

Woman in a Window said...

Oh gawd, if I wake up in the morning and McCain is in I think I'll just barf.

Sorry 'bout your stove. May it rest in piece.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you order the parts and I'll deliver them?

Oh, wait. I hate driving. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the stove. I do have hope for the election!

Unknown said...

Hey, you didn't have to stay up as late as you thought...

Chantal said...

sad re stove :(
YAY re Obama :)

Mike said...

Let's hope the expectations on the new stove and the new president don't go unfulfilled. Not an Obama fan but hey, we all have to live with this.

Anonymous said...

I hope your new stove lives up to the old one, or at least is fun to use.

Whole lot of nothing going on

Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...