Tuesday 27 May 2008

well, postage shouldn't be much...

look at who's got our Hanes on now

I can't make this stuff up, people.


Anonymous said...

I think a person ought to send a pair with skid marks.
Double whammy!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I'm almost tempted to do it.

Anonymous said...

But which makes the better statement: Sending a thong or sending granny panties? I just can't decide.

Woman in a Window said...

Hey, if we can change the world with our underpants...

meggie said...

Huge bloomers.. More Power!!

Christy said...

Ok, I have to laugh, but also to say these "men" are already so impotent--to worry about losing power so much that they will allow tens of thousands to DIE?--that I'd bet you anything they're already wearing women's panties....

Anonymous said...

Not this one isn't! You're right; and it's never their children who are the ones doing the dying!

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Weapons of Mass Distraction.

karengreeners said...

ok, i was going to commet with a cheesy play on words too, but lone grey squirrel just trumped anything i could write. rofl.

Christy said...

Fruit of the DOOM?

Wedgie of DEATH?

You know the first thing my Hubby said when I told him about this?

"Didn't they make the prisoners at Abu Ghraib wear women's panties?"

Hmmmm.....Now it just sounds mean! LOL

Vanessa said...

Who would have thought?

Magpie said...

Wow. I'm almost tempted too. But the postage to Canada...think someone's doing this in the USA?

BabelBabe said...

you COULD make this stuff up, but no one would believe you.

Whole lot of nothing going on

Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...