Thursday 18 October 2007

petty thievery

I came home today and the damned woodpile had been stolen.

A huge pile, it had been mocking me something I kept putting off doing, one of those last-minute chores you secretly hope will disappear under a comforting cloak of snow? invisibility?

I gawped at the spot on the yard, curses rolling through my head.

How could this happen? Did I need to call the Department of Natural Resources? The Mounties?

And what was I going to tell Bear?

The kids were long inside, front door hanging open. I stalled for a minute out on the lawn, putting it off, unsure of what to say.

Bear came outside and loped over towards the woodshed, casually opening the door and grabbing an armload. "So, Jess, how was your day?"

Whimper. Caught. 'Um, hon? Something happened....'

Bear was caught up in fixing dinner. "Yeah, the kids are hungry, and...why are you white? Did it your Mom?"

'No,' I stammered, 'it's the...the...wood.' The wood I've been promising you I'd put away for...well, months now.

Bear swung open the door again. "It's here. I was bored today."

The Pod People strike again, folks.


Sarah Louise said...

pod people indeed. I need something like that to happen to my sink of dirty dishes...

BabelBabe said...

and mine. also my falling-out-of-their-frames windows, and the mountain of laundry...

jAMiE said...

He is so good to you...lucky you!

Anonymous said...

Awww! Yay for bored hubby's! Even though Germ is not exactly my hubby, he does those things all the time. The little things always count. I am glad no one stole the wood.

velcro said...

Phew! I thought my exlandlord had been at work again. Not content with nicking our wall of roofingtiles earlier in the year he's headed over to Canada and walked off with your pile of logs. Fortunately not!

Suse said...

Heh heh.

Nice one, Bear.

Lily said...

Nothing like a bored husband... I could use one of those!

Major Bedhead said...

Ooh, can you send them down here? I have about 8 gazillion things that need doing. When my husband's bored, he just falls asleep.

Anonymous said...

Nice... when I'm bored I find myself watching t.v. Good man.

Anonymous said...

Can I borrow Bear? Cuz I have a wood pile in desperate need of being moved and no man home to do it for me in a fit of boredom...

Mediocre Housewife said...

It's always so much sweeter (and less stressful!) when it's their idea.

Canada said...

Nice!!! Can you send the pod people over here? :)

meggie said...

Love this post!! LOL.

Shammickite said...

That was a lovely surprise! Now you have to do something special for Bear!!

Jessi said...

Lmao! Awwwww. *pouts with you and then grins anyway*

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhh what a good hubs! He should teach a class :) I miss having to have wood! Damn South and it's warmness!

Evil Pink Cupcake

Whole lot of nothing going on

Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...