Saturday 14 July 2007

film at eleven

Heinrik the One-Antlered Moose surveyed the tragic scene and sighed.

There had been a party. There were balloons. And it was obvious someone had gotten into his grass again.

It's always the superheroes, he thought.


meggie said...

Those rotten Superheroes always pick on someone taller..poor Giraffe!

Anonymous said...

teehee, are those chips over there? cause I'm soooooo hungry.......

Angewl said...

Maybe you should write childrens stories?

Mediocre Housewife said...

Are you suggesting that Mr. Incredible (possibly the greatest superhero of all time) did something unsavoury to that poor giraffe? I think maybe the giraffe was high. Get it? High? Muahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Great post -- I laughed outright.

beagle said...

This could win a photo contest. Better than funniest home videos: Funniest home stills. If I had ten grand to spare I'd send you prize money.

Joke said...

Looks like Mr. Incredible lost a contact lens.


Sarah Louise said...

love this!!!

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

This is so funny and imaginative. love it. You could do a whole series on the one antlered Moose who just wants to be left alone with his grass.

molly said...

Too funny.... recently heard that there was a moose at large in downtown Kiev, Ukraine. If you'd like to know more about this unusual occurrence, click on over to Olechko on my blog roll...

jAMiE said...

Very cute...thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

Well, that certainly put my three-child pelvic floor muscles to the test!

If you haven't already, you must watch the youtube "I'm a Marvel, I'm a DC" segments.

It is, indeed, always the superheroes.

KPB said...

Mr Incredible is lookin' for a bit of action.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

My float said...

Oh that's hilarious!

Though I'm curious as to how he lost his antler - perhaps a little much of the green stuff himself, hmm??

Whole lot of nothing going on

Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...