Saturday 17 December 2005

hair blues

Still with the bad hair.

I called the hairdresser I've been using, and kept getting her voicemail. Last night I was in the grocery store, though, and chased her down two aisles, finally cornering her near the frozen green beans. We exchanged pleasantries and everything was lovely until I yanked off my beret.
Her face froze. "What" she said ominously, "have you done to your hair?"
I tried to explain, but she started lifting little pieces of hair to check the length, and it was distracting.

"There was an incident...." I began, "with gum!"

"Uh-huh" she said, shaking her head. "Haven't you heard of peanut butter?"

The good news? She's pretty sure she can do something wonderful with my disaster, and won't have to shave my head, as I originally feared.

"Oh, this? That's the family Christmas picture the year Mom was bald. Aren't the antlers cute?"

The bad? She's leaving on vacation and will be back in two weeks.

Two weeks with the mullet.

No. Can't do Christmas with the really bad hair. Must start calling other hair places.

Because I love my hairperson, but Can't. Do. It.


Lily'sMama said...

It is hard to think of someone else styling your hair when you have been going to the same person for an extended period of time. The girls at "The Finish Line" in Bridgewater are all quite good and I am sure would be able to give you a nice "do". Carrie, in particular is very good. Just an idea if you are looking for someplace different. I am getting mine colored and cut on Thursday, can't wait! That will be the fun part of being in Halifax since I am sure that the crowds eveywhere will be enough to drive me crazy! Oh well, what is Christmas without that last minute bustle?!

Jess said...

Oh, you're right - The Finish Line is great! Bad experience there once, though - the owner did my highlights and did some odd procedure where I had highlights and lowlights and some in between. There were more colors going on there then a rainbow...I ended up with copper-that-went-orange, sandy-that-went-dirty, and caramel that just wasn't.
NOT a great time, but I'd been there before and always had good results - I may take your suggestion!

Lily'sMama said...

I had a bad experience there with highlights too, also done by the owner! The colors weren't all that bad but oddly placed - we were doing the chunky highlights but she placed them in peculiar spots. It is hard to see when you are the one getting the highlights so you depend on the hairstylist to do a good job. Anyways, I know they can do a good job with cutting and styling. My stylist is in Halifax and I have been going there for a long time but when I was pregnant, I was on a "modified" bedrest for awhile so that is why I got some color done at The Finish Line - I will leave that to my stylist in Halifax from now on, as she is excellent. Just kind of a pain to travel there sometimes!

Angela said...

Off topic: Thanks SO much for the link to The Wiggles stuff! I exercised my Buy It Now! option, and MC is going to be The Happiest Kid Ever!!!

(I deleted your comment, because I didn't want the stalkers to covet!) But thanks again!!

April said...

I really am not laughing at you love. Seriously.

It's the nervous laugh of fear, because if I was in your position I would be terribly frightened.

Suburban Turmoil said...

I can't even imagine what you're going through. Hair is.... EVERYTHING!!! :)

Some day you can look back and laugh!

Whole lot of nothing going on

Last week, I got covid. For the third time, and this one was unpleasant in ways that I don't really want to talk about. (Life tip: NO ...